General articles concerning pedagogy

Building your instrumental music program

Effects of small group peer interaction on self evaluation of music perfromace

Enriching the context for musical learning

Impact of Reciprocal Teaching on Musical Understanding.

Improving studio music teaching through understanding learning styles

Instrumental music instruction assessment

Intellligent music teaching

Interest and choice student selected repertoire and its effect on practicing behaviours

Matching music teachers self conception with students perception on teaching effectiveness

Music teaching as culture

Musicians as instrumental music teachers

New brain research on emotion and feeling implications for music education

Nurturing talent and recognizing achievement

One to one teaching

Perceptions of music teachers regarding their work as music mentors

Performing and teaching the beliefs and experience of music students as instrumental teachers

Practice behaviors of 8th grade instrumental musicisians

Practicing a musical instrument in childhood is associated with

Reconsidering th grade level for beginning instrumental music

Reevaluating teaching philosophies

Rethinking the teaching of music

Students motivation to study music in israel

Teacher student communication during instrumental lessons

Teaching creatively and teaching for creativity

Teaching the music of our time

The development of teaching cases for instrumental music method courses

The effect of modelling self evaluation etc on perfromance and practice attitude

The future of music teaching

The independant music teacher practice and preparation

The performance teacher as music analyst


Thought and feeling in the study of music

Training performers to teach

What develops in musical development

A novel approach to teaching emotional expression in muisc performance

A mixed methods portrait of urban instrumental music teaching

A home away from home the world of the high school music classroom

Motivational constructs influencing undergraduate students choices to become teachers of performers in music

Motivation of music students to go to education

Learning through play

Judging quality and fostering excellence in music teaching

Measurement of instrumental and vocal undergraduate perfromance juries using a multidimensional assesment rubric

J. S. Bach as teacher

Why We Shouldn’t Stop ‘Defending’ Music Education

Practice habbits


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