pedro memelsdorff

pedro memelsdorff

The greatest master of recorder:

He is in complete control of the instrument, he knows, always, exactly what he wants to hear / say and he knows how to say it.
A brilliant teacher, who knows how to find the true problem and then give you a library of solutions to be able to become a master of your instrument, and not a slave to your mishabs.
A  great researcher, and I think that every aspiring recorder artist should at one point in his life, go to work with him.
I had the great honor to study with him in Milano and in the Bologna blocks between 1993-1995.

 Here you may see him directing a performance of Mala Punica – liturgic music from the faenza Codex:

Pedro Memelsdorff conducting Mala Punica


Roberto Gini

Roberto Gini

Roberto Gini with whom I had studied with also in Civica Scuola di Musica, Milano, and then had to pleasure of workign with on a special project – about  Salomone di Rossi the search for salomone rossi 

Brilliant player.

Fantastic teacher.

Incredible musician.

We had performed the  Telemann concerto for recorder and gamba with the JBO in 2007 as you can see here:  

 and recorded some late baroque together.


Another great musician with whom I  had the honor to play and I had learned a lot from is Rinaldo Alessandrini

Rinaldo Alessandrini

Rinaldo Alessandrini

whomI have met in 1992 in Urbino, where he had coached me in a chamber group. I did not know of him until then, but it had taken one rehearsal to realize what a great musician I have encountered.
 Later on I had the pleasure of playing with him in Concerts.
Here you can watch him direnting his own ensemble, Concerto Italiano, in a recent concert in Krakov:
and here you can hear him play the harpsichord in the ever so famous conceto in d minor:
And last but not least on this Italian gallery is Alberto Grazzi:
I had decided to take baroque bassoon when in Civica…and got to start the instrument with the best player around…I did not continue with the bassoon, but deepend into my recorder – but learned so much music from this amazing musician (here seen in the middle…the one that looks like his twin, is, actualy, his twin, Paolo).
Listen to him playing the F concerto by Vivaldi:
Paolo Grazzi on the left, Alberto Grazzi in the middle, Alfredo Bernardini on the right.

Paolo Grazzi on the left, Alberto Grazzi in the middle, Alfredo Bernardini on the right.

April 28, 2009 · Posted in musicians that had an impact on me...  

This is going to be afirst post in English, since I somwhat feel this subject has much more readers in English that in Hebrew…I come back home almost daily after teaching in various levels..and \i have so many ideas and thoughts running through my head, ex. that have worked…conclusions about pieces, about music, about life…so maybe it is about time I sat, every few evenings, and spent time writing abou twhat I had encountered?

and so I will.

But now it is late…and although some people are out there celebrating the fact Israle had reached the mature age of 61, others, like yours truly, prefer to elebrate this festive fact, by sitting on the sofa with her cat, and writing dome daily insights…

so, as warned, this was a short one tonight.
\ I promise to make this blog an information hub for all interested in the recorder…links, ads, recommendations…you name it, i shall try to write it…

so, good night for now, and love to all you 10000s of readers…

April 28, 2009 · Posted in Uncategorized  


כשהייתי נגנית יותר מעירה – חשבתי שלהוראה מגיעים אלה שלא מצליחים בקריירה מקצועית. אני מניחה שליחס הסביבה לנגנים ועומת יחס הסביבה למורים היה חלק מהעניין.בשלוש השנים האחרונות מצאתי את עצמי משתנה, חושבת אחרת. אולי המודעות לעובדה שכשאני מנגנת בפני קהל, מידת ההשפעה שלי קטנה מאד – ובעצם, יכולתי להיות מישהו אחר, לנגן בכלי אחר, להרצות…עבור חלק מהמאזינים או הצופים – החווה תהיה דומה .

 לעומת זאת כשאני מלמדת – נוצר קשר של אדם לאדם, לב ללב – וההשפעה היא ברבדים עמוקים שחלקם צפים על פני המים רק בשלבים מאוחרים מאד.

כיון שכך, אני מוצאת את עצמי, בשלוש השנים האחרונות – משקיעה זמן רב וחשיבה רבה בהוראה.


הבלוג הזה, אני מקווה, חהווה במה למחשבותי על חיי כמוסיקאית, כמורה, על ההשפעה, על המטרות, וייצור דיאלוג ביני לבין אחרים העוסקים בתחום.

 אני מניחה שכאדם המעורה בסביבותיו, אכתוב על נושאים נוספים, שייכנסו , בין  אם במודע או שלא במודע לכתיבה על ההוראה…


אני מקווה שיהיה מעניין עבור הקוראים, עבורי, ובכלל.

April 11, 2009 · Posted in Uncategorized  

Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

May 5, 2008 · Posted in Uncategorized  

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