Dear Recorder Colleagues,
I have been asked by many students and colleagues around the world about important recorder books that they should have at home.
So I will publish a series of posts in each I shall describe a book which is certainly an essential (well, by my humble opinnion).
Each post shall contain details about the book, a list of its contents, and a direct link to where you may purchase it in a very good price – (as a community service…)
And so here we go:
One of my favorite recorder books of all time, is, without a doubt, the recorder book form “The Cambridge Companion” series
This book offers a complete introduction to the history of the recorder.
Foreword by Daniel Brüggen
The recorder in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance by Howard Mayer Brown
The recorder’s Medieval and Renaissance repertoire: a commentary by Anthony Rowland-Jones
The baroque recorder sonata by Anthony Rowland-Jones
The baroque chamber music repertoire Anthony Rowland-Jones
The orchestral recorder by Adrienne Simpson
The eighteenth-century recorder concerto by David Lasocki and Anthony Rowland-Jones
Instruction books and methods for the recorder c.1500 to the present day by David Lasocki
The recorder revival i: the friendship of Bernard Shaw and Arnold Dolmetsch by J. M. Thomson
The recorder revival ii: the twentieth century and its repertoire by Eve O’Kelly
Professional recorder players i: pre-twentieth century by David Lasocki
Professional recorder players (and their instruments) ii: the twentieth century by Eve O’Kelly
The recorder in education by Eve O’Kelly
Facsimiles and editing by Clifford Bartlett
A guide to further reading by Anthony Rowland-Jones.
This book is written in such an engaging manner, that it can be read through as a novel. I found myself reading it through from cover to cover in a few days and still enjoy coming back to it from time to time.
שלום לכם, שמחה להזמינכם להשתלמות החליליות השנתית מטעם משרד החינוך.
ימי שני בתאריכים המצוינים, בפסגה הרצליה.
הנה פירוט ההשתלמות:
בתשלום של 15 ש”ח בלבד ומעניקה גמולי השתלמות.
השתלמות למורים העוסקים בהוראת חליליות בבית הספר ובקונסרבטוריונים:
31.10 – מבוא: סקירה של הרכבי חליליות בבתי ספר ומחוצה להם בארץ ובעולם, ומודלים שונים של לימודי חליליות במוסדות שונים. סוגיות בהקמת הרכב חליליות.
21.11 – בניית הרגלי עבודה נכונים לתלמידים וגם למורה.
5.12 – מפגש ונגינה עם המנצח ונגן החליליות האיטלקי Giorgio Matteoli . ג’ורגו’ ינצח על הרכב החליליות של המורים.
19.12 – מוסיקה לחלילית בישראל ההסטוריה של החלילית בישראל , המאבק בין מעמדה של החלילית ככלי אומנותי לגישה הוראה בה ככלי חינוכי טרום כלים אחרים. השפעתה של הגישה לכלי על הבחירות שאנו עושים כמורים. כיצד להעלות את קרנה של החלילית בעיני התלמידים וההורים.
2.1 – פרופסור רגינה הימבלבאואר מהאקדמיה על שם היידן באייזנשטאדט תעביר מפגש בו תציג את החלילית האלקטרונית והמורים יוכלו להתנסות בעבודה איתה ובשיתוף טכנולודיה בשיעורי חליליות. יצירות חדישות לילדים.
16.1 – במפגש זה יתארח המלחין והמוסיקולוג, נגן חליליות בעצמו, ד”ר אלון שב אשר יעביר סדנא לכתיבת עיבודים להרכבי חליליות בבית הספר – בהתאמה לתלמידים ברמות שונות.
30.1 – מוסיקה מוקדמת להרכבי חליליות בבית הספר.
27.2 – מוסיקה ישראלית מקורית להרכבי חליליות בבתי הספר.
20.3 – היכן ניתן למצוא עוד מוסיקה?
בשיעור זה נעבור באופו מסודר על מקורות חינמיים באינטרנט המאפשרים העשרת
הרפרטואר בו אנו עוסקים.
27.3 – מפגש סיום: קונצרט פנימי בו תבוצענה כל היצירות שעבדנו עליהן במשך השנה.
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Performing ‘Early’ Music in the Age of Recordings:
National Styles and Influences in Performance – Then and Now
A conference on the study of performance, past and present, 13-14 October 2014
The 5th
International Early Music Seminar in Tel Aviv
The Israel Conservatory of Music in Tel Aviv
Held in collaboration with the Music Department, University of Haifa, and with the support
of the Israel Musicological Society
Seminar director: Drora Bruck (Israel Conservatory of Music)
Conference convenors: Dr. Alon Schab (University of Haifa), Dr. Uri Golomb (Tel Aviv
Keynote speaker: Rinaldo Alessandrini
The second international conference on Performing ‘Early’ Music in the Age of
Recordings will be held as part of the 5th
Conservatory of Music in Tel Aviv.
The issue of national styles affects the performance of early music in two ways. On the one
hand, there is the issue of national styles at the time of composition – for instance, the
Italian and French styles in the 17th and
18th centuries, and their impact on performance
(including their effect on musical composition and performance in other countries, such as
Germany and England). On the other hand, there is the issue of national performance styles
in the past few decades, both within the early music world (e.g., the so-called Netherlands
School of Baroque performance, or the British collegiate choral tradition) and outside it
(e.g, the Lutheran tradition of Bach performance). The two issues can be related (as in
the debate on whether Italians have an inherent advantage in performing the music of
Monteverdi and Vivaldi); and the issue of composition style “then” can have a profound
impact on performance style “now” (e.g., the debate on the relevance of French inegale in
the performance of Bach’s music).
In general, there is a view that music performance in the age of recordings has become
increasingly uniform, that national schools have been marginalised and even endangered by
the pursuit of technical perfection and the homogenising effect of the recording industry.
Historical performance has been viewed as part of this phenomenon; but it has also been
greeted as a potential – and even actual – resource for preserving or revitalising distinct
national schools.
This year’s “Performing ‘Early’ Music in the Age of Recordings” conference aims to explore
topics arising from these and related issues.
CALL Comprar cialis generico barato en españa FOR PROPOSALS
Proposals should be submitted by 20 June, 2014.
The programme committee encourages submissions within the following areas, although
other topics are also welcome:
1. The relationship between national composition styles and performance conventions
2. The relationship between local folklore and performance conventions
3. Performance schools within the Early Music Movement
4. Globalization and the Early Music Movement
5. Traditional vs. Historically Informed – mutual influences
Each proposal should contain:
1. Name and institutional affiliation
2. Title of proposed paper
3. An abstract (up to 400 words)
4. Short CV (up to 150 words)
5. Contact details
The conference will be held in English.
To submit proposals, and for further information, please write to:
Please include the word “conference” in the subject heading
Delegates to the concert will be welcome to attend a recital by Rinaldo Alessandrini
on October 11 (two days prior to the conference) and to attend master classes
given in the context of the International Early Music Seminar (Tel Aviv, October
9-16; Rinaldo
Alessandrini’s keynote on October 13 will be followed by a concert by the Romanian
ensemble Flauto Dolce.
about Israeli composer Eyal Bat’s piece for rec. & piano, recently published and listen to a live performance of it.
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