Ryōhei Hirose (1930-2008)

About the composer:

Ryōhei Hirose (廣瀬 量平 ) was born on July 17th, 1930 in Hakodate, Hokkaidō, Japan and died on November 24th, 2008 in Kyoto.

He studied at the Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music, with Tomojirō Ikenouchi and Akio Yashiro.

Served as a professor in the music department of the Kyoto City University of Arts, was also a lecturer at the Mozarteum University of Salzburg, Essen Music University and the Kunitachi College of Music.

He has composed for both Japanese and Western instruments, but is best known for his compositions for shakuhachi and recorder.


His recorder music:

  • Aki 2 Shakuhachi (1969, arr. for Rec 1988)
  • Potalaka Rec(A), Vc, Hp (1972)
  • Karavinka Rec, Ob, Vn, Va, Vc, Perc (1973)
  • Mitsu no mai Rec, Guit (1974)
  • Mitsu no uta Rec, Perc, Koto (1974)
  • Lamentation Rec-ens(A, A, T, B) (1975)
  • Meditation Rec(A or T) (1975)
  • Idyll 1 Rec-ens.(Sn.A.T.B.) (1976)
  • Tenral-Cbikyo 4 Rec, 4 Perc, Shaku, etc. (1976)
  • Topography 2 Rec, Perc, etc. (1976)
  • Kama Rec-pl(Sn-B), Va da Gamba, Cem, etc. (196?, arr. for Rec 1978)
  • Hymn Rec(A) / 1979 (arr. for Fl (1982)
  • Ode I 2 Rec-pl(A-B, ‘r-B) (1979)
  • Ode II Rec-pl(A-B, A-T-B) (1980)
  • Aubade 2 Rec.(A.T-S.Sn-A.T-S.T-A.A) (1989)
  • Suite for noble cats 5 Vdg (1990, arr. Rec-ens(S, A, T, B, CB) 1991)
  • Dirge of Troja 2 Rec-pl(2B) (1995)
  • Lamenta of Inca Rec(B) (1995)
  • Illusion of the Crescent 1 Rec(T) (2005)

Some more information can be found on http://www.hiroseryouhei.com/

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