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חג המוסיקה הישראלית

עם אנסמבל טרמולו –

 יוסף טל – מוסיקה לחלילית, מרימבה וצ’מבלו

with Marina Minkin and Assaf Roth


13 – Târgu Mureş

Bartok – Inspirations

with Tel Aviv Baroque Trio: Ella Toovy and Marina Minkin

19:00 CONCERT Filarmonica de Stat Fest. International C. Silvestri

Sala Palatul Culturii (1911-1913) Str. G. Enescu nr. 2

14 – Cluj

Bartok – Inspirations

with Tel Aviv Baroque Trio: Ella Toovy and Marina Minkin

19:00 CONCERT Filarmonica de Stat “Transilvania”, Festival International Toamna Muzica (Fest. International Musical Autumn)

16 – Satu Mare

Bartok – Inspirations

with Tel Aviv Baroque Trio: Ella Toovy and Marina Minkin

18:30 CONCERT Filarmonica De Stat “Dinu Lipatti”, Fest. International Zilele Muzicale Satmarene (Musical days of Satu Mare)

18 – Bistrita


19:00 CONCERT Societatea de concerte (Concert Society) (Concert season)

Sinagoga (1856), Str. General Grigore Bălan nr. 10



24 – Netanya, Israel

Bartok – Inspirations

with Tel Aviv Baroque Trio: Ella Toovy and Marina Minkin

November –

18 – Tel Aviv

Recorder music by women


6 – Ossaka, Japan

Ensemble Festa Rustica

The Taste of Italy

12 – Brianza, Italy

with The Mediterranean Baroque Quartet

The Taste of Italy

13 – Lamezia, Italy

with The Mediterranean Baroque Quartet

The Taste of Italy

14 – Rome, Italy

with The Mediterranean Baroque Quartet

The Taste of Italy

18 – Tel Aviv, Israel

with The Mediterranean Baroque Quartet

The Taste of Italy

19  – Haifa, Israel

with The Mediterranean Baroque Quartet

The Taste of Italy

24 – Gazit, Israel

with The Mediterranean Baroque Quartet

The Taste of Italy


17 –

Bartok – Inspirations

with Tel Aviv Baroque Trio: Ella Toovy and Marina Minkin





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